Puzzle of thoughts

The world is a puzzle that has missing pieces

Archive for the tag “story”

The flow of thoughts

When you sit in the bath tub for a hour, with the hot water pouring on your back and making your skin red, thoughts tend to unfold and flourish. It’s a kind of mental peace, but not the quiet type. You aren’t focused on one thought in particular, but the flow starts to make sense at some point. Ideas, memories, feelings tend to get  clarification and they start to complete each other. You may get to a point where you realize that you might have gotten something wrong or you may find what was the actual cause of a certain feeling. After another 15 minutes you start making statements. You categorize your life and you discover the actual meaning of stuff. Worse case scenario? You discover that you have nothing to hang on to and that your future is as fragile as a spider web. 

So, what’s left to do, when you get to that point?

Easy. Get out of the bath tub. Or switch to cold water!


I like the streets. I like walking. Not too fast, not too slow, just the average pace of  someone who wants to get to one place but she’s not  in a hurry. I enjoy a crowded street as I do an empty, quiet one. I listen to the pace of others, to the sound of cars, to the noises around me and I can do whatever I want with them in my mind. Yes, I like to distort reality sometimes, to create scenarios and all kinds of stories. I try to imagine what people think, what their problems are, where are they going. It may sound as the mind of a child, but it isn’t. It is only the mind of an adult who sometimes pretends to be a child because the world seems a little better when she does. Reality is always wonderful through the eyes of a child, and that’s why some people try to recreate that type of reality when they are all grown up. It is not proof of  immaturity, but proof of a sane mind. You should try it sometimes. Try to let go of the pure, hard facts and let your mind drift. Create scenes based on reality, but go further. The key to save a bad situation is to look for those small things that make you happy. Try to bring a smile on that lady’s face, or to make that salesman’s day better. Just be careful not to get hit by a car.


Do you know who your best friend is? A simple question. But before you decide it’s a silly question and you want to say “of course I know who my best friend is!” I want you to define the concept. What is a best friend? Lets pretend for a second that being a best friend was a job and you really needed to hire someone. What would his/her resume look like? Who would be good at this job? What qualities should that person have? Maybe he/she must be a good listener. Or maybe someone who knows how to have fun. What do you do with your best friend? Go shopping? Talk for hours and hours about anything? Watch movies? Why is your best friend your BEST friend? What is the quality that gives him/her that superlative?

A different view of this discussion is the one that includes both individuals in a friendship. You can’t have a best friend unless you are one. Your friend can be a good listener, but do you listen back? He/she comes to your help whenever you need it, but do you do the same? You can call him/her in the middle of the night because you got dumped, but if you’re the one being called, how do you react? Now that you’ve answered all these questions, I believe the first one needs a bit of editing. Do you have a best friend?

Reality vs. fiction

Movies are like a heartless man who allures a five year old with chocolate and candies and after that he gives him nothing but an evil smile. Movies are pure fantasies, despite the „warning” that they are based on reality. In other words, movies are bits and pieces gathered from reality and distorted in such manner that every scent of truth fades drastically into the background. A slight increase in those „sad endings” movies is being noticed. However, the happy ending stories stand in front of the croud of genres, and they keep invading the minds of people in every age group. No matter how down-to-earth you are, you can’t help to imagine yourself as part of the story, to identify with the characters and to say „-Ah, maybe that could happen to me too!” . Maybe someday we’ll find our prince. Or maybe we will get the girl in the end. Or perhaps we’ll get noticed by some great talent seeker and we’ll become famous. It all sound wonderful, magical. The world of a movie is a land of perfection. And then reality hits. To some, this isn’t a sudden shift. For others it comes with a shock, the shock of being just human, with an insignificant amount of luck, with an average life and a confused mind. What to do next? Carry on? Keep dreaming? Get angry? Or maybe watch another movie and start over?

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